Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Grooming Basics 101

The one thing being is a poodle is that I have to get haircuts at least every six weeks.  When my mommy got home she had to groom me.  She got a pole with a neck entrapment that attaches to her utility table. Mommy gave me a bath in the tub since I've outgrown the kitchen sink.  After my hair was dry my buddy Susan came over to help.. Well, it was a total disaster for both of them.  I wouldn't cooperate.  I just wanted to snap at everyone.  So, my mom called Petsmart to see if she could get me in.

Getting my hair done at a doggy salon..

At Petsmart I was a true angel.  They did my face, feet, nails, cleaned my teeth and plucked the hair out of my ears.  My mom noticed that my feet and face weren't shaved too close.  So, I'm guessing she's going to have to tackle another groom session in a couple weeks.

I'm a handsome poodle...

My new sweater for being good at the salon

My mom was right about needing another groom session.  This time I was an angel for her.  I did try to nip, but she corrected me.  She got my face and feet done (feet are still a little tad hairy) before she decided to take off my long baby hair.  My mommy has troubles holding on to brush me everyday and she decided that a shorter hairdo would be better.  So, out came these combs and in an hour my mom was done.  I don't think she did a good job.  It looked like I had a bad hair day.  I'm guessing my mom is going to make mistakes till she figures it out.

Mom begins to clip me on her own...

My OK hairdo

Well, my mom decided to even out the cut she did for it wouldn't look so messy.  My buddy Susan came over to help too.  My mom got my face and neck area shaved... She tried to do my feet and with her lousy vision she did the best she could do.  She was telling Susan that maybe every six weeks I'll have someone else do the feet and nails.  Since my coat looks more even then last week my mommy says she'll let it grow out for the next six weeks.  My sissy had mommy's camera and so she didn't take a picture.  She told me she'll add it latter.  My mommy and Susan called me "Lamb Chops" because I looked like a cute baby lamb..

My mommy will get better with each grooming session.  She makes me listen while I'm on the table...
I love my mommy and I'm one handsome poodle puppy...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Basic Training Boot Camp

I just have to tell you what has been happening to me since my mom got home.  She's got me on a regular schedule of eating.  Oh, I now sleep in till the wee one named James comes in and says "It's morning Grammy.. The suns up".. That's usually around 8 to 8:30 AM..  Then my mom helps me off the bed because she doesn't want me to get hurt.  Then she gets her coat on and I sit and wait till she gets the leash.  Then we're off to the outside for a quick walk.  I think I only take a about 30 quick steps and man do I have to go after holding it for 7 hours.  Then I go for a quick walk to finish up my outside duties.  Once I'm done I go in for breakfast.  I eat 1 1/2 cups of dry Taste of the Wild - Salmon .. My mom puts me in a sit/stay until she's got the food ready.  If I move she makes me sit/stay "again".. Once the food is in the bowl she says to me "All Right" which means EAT!!!   My mommy leaves the room to take Shadow out and have some time with him.

After breakfast and some water I get to romp around the living room.  My favorite thing to do is chase James and nip at him.. Man my mommy gets upset.  She has this little roll of newspaper and snaps it on her hands.  Well, I back off -- Her command she's teaching me is "Enough" .. James loves to squeal and I think he just wants to play.. I'm guessing that isn't the right answer.  Then I find my chew toys and will use them .. My mommy will play fetch with the keys.. I take off with them and I get into trouble.  I guess I'll have to learn to give them back  which I don't think is fair.

When she came back from Virginia she hung these noisy things on the door handle called sleigh bells.  What the heck does she want me to do with them.  Every time I plan on going out she says "Ailbe, ring the bells" .. She put some nice peanut butter on them and I attacked them.  Then she makes me sit and stay to put on the leash .. She tells me up for she can open the door.. I then get another sit and stay and my mom exits the door and STARES at me and I'm thinking "What the heck are we doing mom?".. then she says "Ailbe, Let's Go" .. Then I'm off to the yard again.  Then she tells me "Ailbe, Go Potty" and I pee really quick .. Then we're off on another walk and I go again in the area that I claimed as my own.  We continue on for a short walk around the apt complex before returning home. When I get to my door I go in another sit/stay and can't move till my mommy gets in the house and tells me its Alright to come in.  By this time I'm really tired and climb up on the couch (Oh, I have claimed it as my throne) to go too sleep.  During this time my mom cleans the area up, does the morning dishes, etc.. If my sissy is off they go off somewhere for a little bit after I have an outdoor break.  They're usually back in a couple hours.  I'm starting to hold it in and in the past 2 1/2 wks and only had a couple accidents in the crate where my mom had to clean my bedding.  She hates it when I poop in the house and I've gotten into loads of trouble because of it.

My favorite place to crash

So, in the past week I haven't had one accident in the living room nor my crate.. yippee.. I bark if they're home to let me out to go when I'm in the crate.. Other wise I go to the door and give a little whine and mom points at the bells and just says bells .. I ring them and out we go.. I'm going longer and longer on doing outside breaks.. It's like a light bulb went off in my head and it said "Mommy is not a meany, but she loves me and I want to do the best to please her"..
One thing I'm doing pretty good at is walking on a loose leash.  If I go ahead my mommy stops and turns the other way.. then I have to turnaround to be near her.. Also, one of coolest things I've learned is that when mommy stops I go into a sit/stay till she's says "walk on".. Usually I'll remember to do it automatically and other times she does this little click with her mouth and I sit immediately.

The "Key" Task -- picking up -- holding -- give them back

My afternoons are really fun playing with my toys and my mommy.. I get another 1 1/2 cups around 4:30 to 5 PM daily.. My mommy has been feeding my big brother at this time since he was a pup.. So, he starts the hungry talk.. So, I do my sit/stay routine and get my dinner.. My mom then gets Shadow's dinner to him (he has to stay in another area or I'll grab his food).. Then its out again for another walk.. Usually its only the pee one and I don't do the other for about an hour or two after I eat lately.  Then I'm put into the crate while mommy takes care of Shadow .. It his time to play with her.. While I'm sleeping in my crate mommy fixes dinner.. If I wake while dinner is going on my mom says "Ailbe, no bark - quiet" .. Then they ignore me.. I give this grunt sound and plop down and say quiet.. During lunch thou my mom makes me sit near the table and not to beg.  Begging and giving scraps are not allowed in my household.. not even a crumb..

My day ends with another bell ringing about an hour before my mommy goes to bed.  I come back in and plop on the couch.. My mommy finishes watching her program and then she has to drag me off to bed.  I go right back to sleep.. Then my day starts over again with James coming in to wake us up.
Ringing the bells means -- Time to go OUT!!!

I love my sleigh bells because when I ring them I get to go OUT!!!

My next adventure is my Grooming -- oh, what fun mommy is having with that..

Living With My New Family

I came to my forever home on November 23, 2011.  The first night I whined for my doggie family.  My new mommy helped me to calm down and I finally fell asleep in this thing they called a crate.  My mommy was asleep in a thing called a recliner.

When I woke I made a huge mess in my bed, but mommy knew that this was part of my beginning of learning new and exciting things.  So, we went on a long walk and I mean it was a long walk.  She was so patient with me and I finally became a little more relaxed.

When I got in the house I had my breakfast in my brand new bowl.  I was so hungry and the bowl had these weird ridges that made me take little bites at a time.  I loved my water and then I made another mess in the house after another walk.  I also got to explore a little bit and found out that they had this furry thing called a cat.. Man I took off after it and it flew over a gate...

My next thing on the agenda was a bath since I had a stinky mess all over my body.  So, my mommy put me in the sink and gave me a bubble bath with some nice warm water.  She then dried me off with a towel.  The next thing was this weird machine that blew hot air.  I was so calm for her while my new sissy dried and my mommy used the brush.  I was so handsome when she was finished.

The next day was a holiday called Thanksgiving.  I got to go too my great Papa's house in the country.  I did make messes on the floor even after my mom had me out.  I tried to play with Shadow and he wanted nothing to do with me.  Oh well, hopefully one of these days we'll get to play together.  Maybe when I'm not so crazy and settle down I can play quietly with Shadow.  My mommy had me lay down near her and  I went to sleep by her feet.  When I'm a Service Dog that is where my position will be which is to be near my mommy.

The next two weeks were walks, having accidents in the house, learning to use pee pads and getting one bath after another.  I also started sleeping with my mommy at night.  She made me feel safe and secure.  I loved to cuddle up to her.  She had this crazy thing on her face called a C-Pap and I kept trying to catch the air that was blowing out of the hole  On December 5th my mommy took off to a place called Virginia to visit other people called her family too.  I was told she would be gone for three weeks.  I also was adjusting to a new dog food called Taste of the Wild - Salmon.  I don't know if it was the food or my nerves because I had loose stools.  Hence the baths that I had to get all the time. 

She had a schedule and my friend Susan really followed it and my sissy was working nights and sleeping days and I got into more trouble.  I learned how to yank everything off the dinning table, chewed the table cloth to shreds, etc.. You name it I could find more trouble to get into.  I continued to make a holy mess out of the kitchen floor and living room floors.  Everyone in the house was trying to keep up with the accidents.  I was a holy terror on four legs.  I spent Christmas with my great Papa and I played with Shadow out in the yard.  We had a blast.  Then when I tried it in the house he let me know that I was getting to close.

Well, on the 5th of January 2012 my mommy returned late at night.  I got to go too the airport and was so excited to see my mommy.  When we got home she took me out for a walk and then we went to bed.  I woke up around 7 AM and she took me out.  It's now on to my next step of training... My mommy came home with an attitude that said "She's boss" and I'm to listen to her.  So, my next chapter begins...

Enjoying my bone...

I find Susan's cat bed quite comfortable

Hi Mommy...

I love my new Dino toy that I got for Christmas..

I still love my Angry Bird toy..

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Life Of Becoming A Service Dog

My mom, Misty along with my bothers and sister.

Learning to play outside -- I'm the large one
Sir Ailbe - 4 1/2 wks

My name is Ailbe (Al-bay) and I'm a male Standard Poodle.  I was born on September 27, 2011 to Misty and Rommel.  I was born at the Harmony Mtn Kennel whose owners are; Rich and Lori Horst.  This wonderful couple raises hunting "pudels" and many of their dogs are great hunters with many fancy titles

I was the largest pup in the litter and my color is cream.  I have five brothers and one sister.  One of my brothers was also a cream and the others were all black.  I was told that within the next three years their colors could change to Silver (like my mommy) or Blue (like my daddy).

Life was awesome living with my mommy and daddy and loads of other poodles.  When I was about 4 1/2 weeks old this wonderful lady, her daughter, and grandson came to visit.  She was starting to choose which cream pup was going to be hers.  I thought she was pretty cool and she really liked my size.  She was saying something that I was going to be a Service Dog for her.  I don't know what that is, but I'm game to find out.

On November 23, 2011 this wonderful lady returned and guess what --- She's my new mommy!!!  I got a little sick in the car on the way to her home, but I was OK with the long trip to my new home.  When we finally got there I met this big brown dog, named Shadow.  I was so excited that I wanted to play with him.  Only problem he didn't and my mom had to move him to another room.

I also learned what my name means.  It's an Irish (Gaelic) word meaning white.  It's the Irish way of saying a Latin word, Albus.  My mom is going to register my name as "Sir Ailbe Knight of Harmony Mtn"  .. I also know that I was born to serve a disabled American Veteran.  I will grow up to become a Service Dog and help my mommy enjoy life to the fullest.

So, remember the stories of the "White Knight" always helping the "Damsel In Distress"?  Well, basically my life will be a Service Dog.  My mommy is the "Damsel In Distress" and it will be my duty to honor and serve her.

 November 23, 2011 - Time to leave my poodle family