Thursday, March 1, 2012

Obedience Training

I began my training at Petsmart at the beginning of February and I'm nearly done with the basic training class.

In the last few weeks at school I have learned:

1)  Socialization with other dogs

2)  Walking on a loose leash

3)  Sitting on command

4)  Laying down on command

5)  Touch, Touch (the beginning of the recall of "come")

6)  Look at Me command

7)  Being called from one person to another

8)  Leave It command

My next phase of training will be with my Service Dog School ... That will start after I graduate from the basic classes...


I LOVE to be groomed

I'm wondering if mom is doing a "Military" hair cut

Mom has finally found a great clip for me to use as a Service Dog.  She said that when I'm two I'll be using a Mobility Harness  and that my hair has to be short for the straps won't catch into my hair.

Diane, a friend of my mom's had us come over to house last week to meet up with Jen who also has Standards.  So, with help from Jen we went to work on making me look handsome in a curly cut.  Mom had to leave and she didn't get the groom completely done.

Diane told mom about Petsmart and a FREE groom.  Mom was all excited about that since her two Standards were at Petsmart when I came up to visit.  She said that Petsmart has a Grooming Academy and the students need dogs to practice on.  One of the harder breeds to groom is the poodle and they're always looking for them.  So, mom stopped in her local Petsmart where I go for my basic training to see if there was a student who could use a poodle to practice their grooming.  They have one student and they signed me up for a complete groom next week. They also give me a bath and blow dry.. the full treatment and the only thing mom has to pay is a tip.  The clerk told mom that the groomers have to have so many hours in for grooming certain breeds.  They were pretty excited that there was a poodle volunteer to help the students.

So, besides the bathing, they'll do my face, ears, nails and finish getting the rest of my baby coat the same length.   Mom says there are quite a few Petsmart near us and she'll try to bring us to them to help me to calm down with the grooming she does at home.

Service Dog Training 101

The Retriever Clip

 29 Feb 2012

I want to tell you all that Ailbe has now began his basic training with the
Service Dog Program. How did he do on his 1st day of training -- AWESOME!!!

He did less of his nervous pees this time around. There were about 6 teams that
got together at Fiesta Mall in Mesa, AZ. The others are either in training or
just finished their training. Ailbe was so excited to see all the dogs. So, a
very happy five month old had to learn to sit and stay near the other dogs (what
a challenge that was) plus lay down and stay put...

He learned how to walk down 4 steps (he was not sure of what they were and so
baby paws was all I asked) and then back up -- Service Dogs do one step at a
time. The next thing he learned today was loading and unloading in an elevator
-- he handled it like a seasoned pro.

He did no barking at all with the other teams -- YEA!! He was a true gentlemen.
The last thing to do after an hour of working was to go too the Food Court and
have the teams lay down either "under" the table or chair. He got to touch
noses with another team and didn't engage in any goofy play. After a few times
of giving him the command of down he finally settled and fell asleep. He slept
under the chair where my grandson was sitting and stayed put for 45 min.. YEA!!!

It looks like Wednesday's will be meet up and training days at different
locations in the Chandler, AZ area. They LOVED his "Retriever" clip.. The Service Dog trainers wife is also a
groomer -- YEA!! and she gave me more tips on grooming today. Plus she said for
a newbie on grooming I did pretty darn good on scissoring his feet (I did them
about 3 wks ago).
My first time I used the scissors to trim his feet

So, the house is nice and quiet.. I have one pooped out puppy and my grandson
also crashed..

I'll have to add this info to my blog now that his Service Dog training has

Ailbe got weighed the other day and he's now 35 lbs at 5 months. The Vet said
he's lean and great muscle tone. I have to keep up the 4 cups of food a day (2
feedings a day) plus his training treats ..

He loves to retrieve.. and we'll do it for 15 min because he loves getting what
I throw to him..