5:45 AM - Wake up (Med time)
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
I can't believe my middle child has turned 33 yrs old today. It only seems like yesterday that she came into this world.
Ailbe did a great walk/run before I headed back to my room to lay down. I wanted no swelling in my surgical foot because I had my f/u appt this afternoon. Before I had a chance to lay down Ailbe wanted to play ball and so we had a great time playing fetch. Then he went to his crate to lay down and I went to my bed. I was just getting comfortable before he decided he had to join me and cuddle. I hate laying down and people wanting to interrupt our time. Oh, well.....
After lunch I had my Podiatry appt. The clinic was running behind and I think it was almost 1 1/2 hrs before I got seen. I was looking forward to getting my cast on and when they took off the soft cast I had a nasty wound infection brewing. So, they took out the staples and stitches and just put on a simple dressing. They made a splint and then put an ace wrap around it. I'm so disappointed to have a set back. I now have to get daily wound care for the next two weeks. I'm also back on antibiotics which is my third round. Ailbe was so good thru out the appt. It was a small room and it was extremely hard to get the scooter in and out of the room. I forgot my camera and I'll take pics in two weeks with Ailbe. I'll take a pic tomorrow of the wound, but won't post it here.
Before heading back to my room I took Ailbe out for a walk/run. My appt didn't end till 3:30 PM. After returning to my room Ailbe wanted to play with his monkey and ball. What ever he gave me I tossed it. Then it was time for dinner....
After dinner we went out for a few laps around the track before going back to the room. I finally got to talk to my daughter on her birthday. I managed to finish a couple programs and then after his final outside routine I went to bed. Another day is done....
Good night one and all ... See you again...
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 17
5:45 AM - Wake up (Med time)
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
My typical day of doing things on my PC, laying down to get the swelling down is the pits. I can't believe its been close to a month since I left home. Ailbe is having a grand time after doing a couple laps I'll say "Hold leash" and he grabs it and runs/walks the rest of his laps holding it in his mouth. He's great on picking up my metal grabber. He does it an angle and drags it to me. What a character he his.
I love the way they rearranged my room for I can get onto my scooter and not ask for help moving it. Ailbe has more room to play ball and has a chance to be just a normal dog a few times a day. His attitude is work comes first and play is a close second.
I also had KT today and got thru my short upper body strength exercises. I have a couple bands that lets me do them in my room. When they were done it was nap time.
After my nap was over it was time to go out for our afternoon walk/run around the track. The leaves are almost gone and so that means winter will be here soon. The weather is sunny and warm today. Its suppose to be cooler tonight and tomorrow a little cooler. We have to remember to set the clocks back Saturday night. That means our 6:30 PM run will be in the dark.
After dinner Ailbe got his and man he's not picking on eating. I took Ailbe out at 6:30 PM before heading back to my room. I finally got to finish a couple shows before it was time to watch The Voice on TV. Yes I said the word TV....... Ailbe got up in the bed and snuggled with me. After the show it was time to take Ailbe out for his final call....
When I got back to the room Ailbe went into his crate for the night. So, that mean... Day is Done... Gone is the Sun...
See you again tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 16
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My MONKEY... |
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
Another week has begun. I can't believe on Wednesday it will be four weeks since my surgery. That means I have another two months left in this joint.
Ailbe was so playful this morning. After our eight laps on the track he came back to the room to play ball. Then it was his monkey toss game. He must have played for a half hour before crashing with it. He fell asleep in the bed first before heading off to his crate.
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I love to snuggle with my monkey... |
After KT (part 1) we returned to my room too wait for my phone call from IPhone. I'm having issues with my acct because it won't update some security info that was tied to an email acct that I had eight years ago. Its now fixed... Then it was off to lunch which turned out to be crappy again.
After lunch I watched one program before going off too KT. After I got back to my room from KT I laid down till around 4 PM. When I got up I took Ailbe out for a walk/run around the track (4 laps) before heading back to my room. It was med time before dinner.....
I feel like a broken record about dinner and all of the meals here -- THEY STINK!!! I'm so tired of green beans at most meals. Eating in the dining room helps us pick our entree, but its either chicken cooked in another way or some odd stuff that looks gross. I will no longer eat all the breads and starches put on my plate. Its an overkill for a diabetic. They had this beef, cheese and onion on a sub roll which I scooped out of the roll. What was left was about a 1 tblsp worth of food. So, I asked for a cheeseburger w/out the bun.
Upon returning to my room it was time for Ailbe to eat. Going back on his old food was the right choice. He's so happy and has more zip and energy which he hasn't had since June. We're also still doing two drop packages a day which means the four cups of food is being used in his body. Also, he's having less eye gook.
After he ate he decided it was another nap for himself. He doesn't like going out immediately after dinner. So, I finished up another show, chatted with friends on Facebook and waited to watch the Voice on TV instead of the PC. So, I took Ailbe out at 7:30 PM and we did a couple laps before returning to my room.
After the show it was time to take Ailbe out for the last duty call of the night. He then went into his crate for the night. I finished watching my show and then went to sleep.
So, see you all tomorrow....
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Sunday, October 26, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 15
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6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
Today started out being boring. Thank heavens for a great dog who can make you laugh when you need it. He loves playing ball and chewing on his monkey. We had a great time playing in the room this morning. So, in between playing and watching my programs (only when the internet let me) I couldn't believe it was lunch time already.
They brought in my tray and said that a special lunch was being served in the dining room. That's unusual because we mainly eat in our rooms on the weekends. So, off to the dining room where we had a FEAST!!! The chef cooked a special dinner for us. We had fried catfish, ham, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes (not instant), Brussel Sprouts w/ bacon, fresh green & wax beans, ribs, salad, cornbread and apple crisp. We were given a plate with everything on it. We all thought we went to heaven because it tasted so darn good. All of sudden I didn't feel too hot and headed back to my room.
I had to pull the emergency cord in the bathroom. I had to get a shower before getting changed. So, I thought I would lay down because I really didn't feel good. The nurse came in with a new med and I decided it was safer staying in bed to sleep then to attend Mass. I just didn't want to be that far from my room. I dosed off till I woke in pain a little pass 4 PM. After getting my meds I took Ailbe out before dinner.
After returning from our outside adventure of eight laps it was time to head back in. My tray was on the table and so I fed Ailbe first before pushing my chair over to eat. OMG!!! I took one look at my food and gagged. The salmon was swimming in this cream sauce which I tried before and couldn't even eat it. The rice was hard and had no flavor. The final insult was the cooked spinach. I only like spinach in dips. Plus, I'm on blood thinners and greens cause my levels to go up. I had a box of cheerios from one of breakfasts earlier in the week and I ate that for dinner.
After dinner I watched another show thru interruptions with the wi-fi shutting down. Played some fetch with Ailbe before taking him out on a break before dark. Then came back to the room and tried to get online with no success.
Finally, its time for bed.... Took Ailbe out for his last call and so I say goodnight and see you tomorrow.
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 14
5:45 AM - Wake up (Med time)
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
Well, its the weekend of nothing to do. The food is even worse and you either sit outside or stay in your room. I met this one Vet who's three weeks younger then me and then his daughter is three weeks younger then my daughter, Christine. We just cracked up about that. He also went to Catholic Schools and we were going over our crazy stories of how strict the nuns were.
I worked on trying to catch up on some shows. Its a hit and miss with the internet. You can be in a middle of a show and have to wait 40 minutes before you can watch it again. My stupid left leg is still swollen and I thought I would lay down for awhile.
After lunch I went to the board game activity. Not many showed up and I tried to play Mexican Train and I couldn't for the life of me remember how to play it. I'll have to play with Teresa and Luke when I get home to learn how to play it again. After that Ailbe and I went out for our afternoon track walk/run. Ailbe has come up with his new retrieve and holdi ng his leash. He'll grab it and just hold on for at least a lap. I think he's feeling better being back on his old food. He's got more spring in his step. I'm also only getting two package drops a day from him, one in the morning and one after dinner.
Finally, finished one show after dinner and it was time for over evening walk/run of only a couple laps. Nothing to do but watch my PC programs and catch up on my blog.
I took Ailbe out for his last call of the night at 10 PM. Then it was back to the room and get ready for bed. I watched one program and then I was out in no time flat.
I didn't get any pictures today either.... So, see you all tomorrow...
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
Well, its the weekend of nothing to do. The food is even worse and you either sit outside or stay in your room. I met this one Vet who's three weeks younger then me and then his daughter is three weeks younger then my daughter, Christine. We just cracked up about that. He also went to Catholic Schools and we were going over our crazy stories of how strict the nuns were.
I worked on trying to catch up on some shows. Its a hit and miss with the internet. You can be in a middle of a show and have to wait 40 minutes before you can watch it again. My stupid left leg is still swollen and I thought I would lay down for awhile.
After lunch I went to the board game activity. Not many showed up and I tried to play Mexican Train and I couldn't for the life of me remember how to play it. I'll have to play with Teresa and Luke when I get home to learn how to play it again. After that Ailbe and I went out for our afternoon track walk/run. Ailbe has come up with his new retrieve and holdi ng his leash. He'll grab it and just hold on for at least a lap. I think he's feeling better being back on his old food. He's got more spring in his step. I'm also only getting two package drops a day from him, one in the morning and one after dinner.
Finally, finished one show after dinner and it was time for over evening walk/run of only a couple laps. Nothing to do but watch my PC programs and catch up on my blog.
I took Ailbe out for his last call of the night at 10 PM. Then it was back to the room and get ready for bed. I watched one program and then I was out in no time flat.
I didn't get any pictures today either.... So, see you all tomorrow...
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 13
5:45 AM - Wake up (Med time)
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
This morning is suppose to be a busy one with a Preschool bringing some kids in for Harvest Time activities. So, I was able to take a shower this morning before 9 AM. When I got done and dressed for the day I took Ailbe out for his morning walk/run and package delivery. The weather is quite cool and windy today. The sun is shinning, but its not warming up the air. Winter will be here soon.
It was time to go outside for the activities. The little ones were so cute. I got a little pumpkin from one of them. Watching them bob for apples brought back memories when my daughter did it at her birthday party. The kids were having so much fun....
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Little Pumpkin |
Then it was time to head back to our rooms. The little ones were going to be eating in the dining room with us. We had a half hour before lunch and so I worked on my blog to get caught up. I had fried fish and mac & cheese for lunch and apples. They call this a diabetic diet that's loaded with carbs. So, I'm going to have to watch what I eat and eliminate all the extra trappings they put on the plate.
My left ankle and foot were still quite swollen and it was going to be another afternoon in bed. I think I'm so bored that I have no issue with sleeping. Pain is a whole lot better and I'm down to twice a day with the stronger meds. So, I was off to dreamland and was woken up by the pain that did creep in. Got my meds and then went out with Ailbe for a walk/run. We put in 8 laps before going back in. By time I got back it was time to check my glucose and get my afternoon meds. Then off to dinner which wasn't to good. At least Sir Ailbe enjoyed his.
A nurse came in at 6 PM to tell me about an activity called "Ladies Night Out" for female patients. Its a monthly activity. This months theme was "Mardi Gras".... They usually have less then 10 and so they invite other Staff members. They had barbeque pork sandwiches, coleslaw, chips, brownies and drinks. Thank goodness I didn't eat much dinner. The food was great and I'll take the brownies back to the room. My glucose levels have been great because I'm eliminating the junk on the tray. They had a cute craft to do. It was a beaded necklace and super simple to make. I think I would like to do them for my Girl Scout Swaps for my encampment next Summer. I think I'll do a smaller version and use a safety pin for the ladies can pin them to their hat or jacket. Since the group is called the "Green Hat Society" I'll have to do my beads in different shades of green or even find a little green hat. That will be a fun project to do next Spring.
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All dressed up.... |
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Necklace |
Finally, Ailbe was giving me the signal that he had to go out. So, we out for a quick potty break for a package drop and a tinkle. After he was done I headed back to my room to get ready for bed. Ailbe went straight to his crate after we got back. I watched a show and then the nurse came in for the night meds. I wasn't in any pain and so I thought I would try another night of not taking pain meds. Another thing that I was given at our activity was a crocheted lap afghan. They had so many to choose from. I decided on the green, orange and white one. It reminded me of the Irish Flag. I think I'll use it when I go out in the mornings when its really nippy outside.
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Irish Flag Lap Afghan |
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 12
5:45 AM - Wake up (Med time)
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
It looks like a day that I will be spending in bed to keep the swelling down in my left foot/ankle. This VA Hosp doesn't have the white support hose that is put on surgical patients to prevent blood clots. I wish I kept mine from AZ because I really need them.
Ailbe is such a trooper. He's also devouring his food in the morning (2 cups) and doesn't have to go out to deliver a package for at least 2 hours after eating. We're now back on his former routine of eating and he's got more bounce in his step. He still gets the boogers in his eyes, but not as many as before. I think he had allergies with the Taste of the Wild and 4Life formula dog foods. The boogers are a sign of food allergies in dogs. Before all this mess that I put him in by switching he would only have the morning "sandman" crusty eyes. I think its going to take a month for his system to get back to where it was in June.
I did finish a couple of my shows this morning before laying down. Also, the pain in the right is getting to the point where I need less pain meds. I now can go up too 12 hours before needing anything. The pain is mostly the nerve kind. It feels like I've been zapped by electricity and its mainly in my foot. Then I'll have shin pain as the rod is settling in and waiting for bone growth. Bone growth will be a sign of the ankle being fused. The surgery I have can take anywhere from 4 to 5 months for the bones to be fused. Once that happens I can begin light weight bearing walking. Since my right foot was done I have to get clearance to drive a car. Also, this double ankle fusion can take over a year before the pain with walking can subside. As time goes on I also might have to buy special shoes to wear. Most people with the same fusion surgery I have can't wear crocs or sandals. Some have been able too, but they notice they have a little more discomfort wearing them. So, this process is slow and can be awhile before I'm back up and "running". I also will have physical therapy and I'm hoping to do it at a PT clinic a mile from my house or find one in Culpeper, VA. I will not drive 70 miles each way for therapy that could be up to three visits a week.
After lunch today I decided I needed to stay in bed. My left foot was so swollen that it actually hurt worse then my surgical one. Ailbe senses it when I need to add more pillows to my bed. I fell asleep and was out for over three hours when I got a knock on my door from my Nurse Practitioner with some Jobst Support Hose. She had issues getting them on and she called the Podiatry Clinic. The Doc came over and got them on, but rolled down so much that it was digging into my skin. So, off with the stocking. They decided to find something to help and the Doc saw how the swelling was making my foot and ankle look purple (that's from the RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) from the fracture ankle which was treated, but what I've been plagued with is just the residual swelling after they cut the sympathetic nerve. I haven't had it this bad in years. I'm so tired of laying in bed to try to keep the swelling from getting worse.
After dinner I returned to the room to feed Ailbe. I love it when the bowl makes a lot of noise moving around in his feeding area. The biggest thing is how his tongue is licking his chops and so I know he's very satisfied with what he ate. Ailbe doesn't have to go out till after six. I try to get the last outing for a package pick up before it gets dark.
After a long evening of watching programs and doing some PC work I took Ailbe out at 10 PM before hitting the sack at 11 PM.
I didn't get any pics today and hopefully I'll have some for tomorrow.
See you tomorrow...........
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
It looks like a day that I will be spending in bed to keep the swelling down in my left foot/ankle. This VA Hosp doesn't have the white support hose that is put on surgical patients to prevent blood clots. I wish I kept mine from AZ because I really need them.
Ailbe is such a trooper. He's also devouring his food in the morning (2 cups) and doesn't have to go out to deliver a package for at least 2 hours after eating. We're now back on his former routine of eating and he's got more bounce in his step. He still gets the boogers in his eyes, but not as many as before. I think he had allergies with the Taste of the Wild and 4Life formula dog foods. The boogers are a sign of food allergies in dogs. Before all this mess that I put him in by switching he would only have the morning "sandman" crusty eyes. I think its going to take a month for his system to get back to where it was in June.
I did finish a couple of my shows this morning before laying down. Also, the pain in the right is getting to the point where I need less pain meds. I now can go up too 12 hours before needing anything. The pain is mostly the nerve kind. It feels like I've been zapped by electricity and its mainly in my foot. Then I'll have shin pain as the rod is settling in and waiting for bone growth. Bone growth will be a sign of the ankle being fused. The surgery I have can take anywhere from 4 to 5 months for the bones to be fused. Once that happens I can begin light weight bearing walking. Since my right foot was done I have to get clearance to drive a car. Also, this double ankle fusion can take over a year before the pain with walking can subside. As time goes on I also might have to buy special shoes to wear. Most people with the same fusion surgery I have can't wear crocs or sandals. Some have been able too, but they notice they have a little more discomfort wearing them. So, this process is slow and can be awhile before I'm back up and "running". I also will have physical therapy and I'm hoping to do it at a PT clinic a mile from my house or find one in Culpeper, VA. I will not drive 70 miles each way for therapy that could be up to three visits a week.
After lunch today I decided I needed to stay in bed. My left foot was so swollen that it actually hurt worse then my surgical one. Ailbe senses it when I need to add more pillows to my bed. I fell asleep and was out for over three hours when I got a knock on my door from my Nurse Practitioner with some Jobst Support Hose. She had issues getting them on and she called the Podiatry Clinic. The Doc came over and got them on, but rolled down so much that it was digging into my skin. So, off with the stocking. They decided to find something to help and the Doc saw how the swelling was making my foot and ankle look purple (that's from the RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) from the fracture ankle which was treated, but what I've been plagued with is just the residual swelling after they cut the sympathetic nerve. I haven't had it this bad in years. I'm so tired of laying in bed to try to keep the swelling from getting worse.
After dinner I returned to the room to feed Ailbe. I love it when the bowl makes a lot of noise moving around in his feeding area. The biggest thing is how his tongue is licking his chops and so I know he's very satisfied with what he ate. Ailbe doesn't have to go out till after six. I try to get the last outing for a package pick up before it gets dark.
After a long evening of watching programs and doing some PC work I took Ailbe out at 10 PM before hitting the sack at 11 PM.
I didn't get any pics today and hopefully I'll have some for tomorrow.
See you tomorrow...........
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 11
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6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
I'm so glad that the food change is still working. So, hopefully in a few more weeks of eating more and a good exercise routine I'll see some weight gain going on. He's so happy to be here with me. He's quiet as a "dog" mouse (aka door - lol) and its so surprising to me that he's stepping up to the plate to help me all the time. He continues to do his job with no complaints. He's only had his feet lightly touched by the wheelchair and scooter and he never and I mean never yelps. Sir Ailbe just goes with the flow.
After my normal routine of program watching and taking a basin bath it was time to take Ailbe out. Man it was a whole lot cooler then it was at 6 AM. It was also drizzling out and I was afraid of my scooter being ruined. So, I did one lap and after he was done with his business I headed back in. Nothing to do except to finish a show before lunch. Lunch wasn't to bad today. The grilled chicken breast & wing section was very tasty. Also, there was a SW salad which I really enjoyed. After a "happy" lunch I went back and couldn't keep my eyes open at all. So, Ailbe decided to sleep in his crate and was totally stretched out enjoying his new bed. So, I got all comfy with my legs to get the swelling out (that left foot and ankle is driving me crazy). The right one seems to have less because the soft cast is very loose at the moment and its also helping with the pain levels. I can go 10 hrs between meds now. I woke up around 4 PM for meds and I thought I better get Ailbe out before dinner. So, out we went for a six lap walk/run and piddle stop. I got back in time to get to the dinning room for another lousy dinner. I wish I could have a really good home cooked meal. Got back to my room and fed Ailbe. Ailbe is getting back to the "I got to go" look and so out we went for another spin of two laps which resulted a package for the trash can. I got back to the room and was waiting to go too BINGO again.
My nurse said it was a Halloween themed BINGO night. So, I got my new Halloween blouse out and put it on. It fits pretty good too and I love it. BINGO was a lot of fun as usual. Poor Ailbe got stepped on which he never yelped. Someone fixed his blanket and he laid right down. I won one BINGO and got a dollar pack from the winner on the left (some of the games will give a dollar package to the right of the winner). They also had barbeque beef sandwiches. It was so good and I'm glad I didn't eat much at dinner. They gave out candy bags and roasted peanuts in their shells. Also, they gave us a raffle ticket which was for the door prizes. I won a door prize (the picture above is my loot I took back to my room) which I've seen to be lucky in the last two events. After a great evening it was time to go back to my room.
I then watched a couple programs with difficulties and decided to go too bed after Ailbe's final outing at 10 PM. I think I fell asleep a little after 11 PM after the pain meds kicked in.
Good night one and all ... See you tomorrow....
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 10
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YAWN!!! |
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
Ailbe is finally getting a better schedule on his outside packages. It seems so awesome to finally getting back to the after breakfast and dinner packages instead of the four to five that he was doing on the 4Life formula. He's also eating really well and has a great appetite again. So, he's eating two cups twice a day and it looks like it will help put the weight back on that he has lost.
Another lousy night of trying to sleep and so I went back for a morning nap till 9 AM. I then did my sink bath and got dressed. I'm only allowed two showers a week (Mon and Fri) and feel like I'm camping out in my room. Thank goodness I know how to use a wash basin for I can wash my hair and body.
Then out at 10 AM for our morning walk/run. Ailbe has so much fun running along side of the scooter. I'm usually gone for about a half hour to forty-five minutes. It helps break up the day. When I got back in it was time for PT (upper body strength). When I was done I headed back to my room and then out to lunch.
It was time again to lay down due to the swelling for about an hour. Then I was out for an run/walk on the track. We did four laps each way before heading inside. I then finished another program before heading off to the dining room.
Nothing to do after dinner tonight. I took Ailbe out before it got dark and did three laps before going to my room. Another boring evening and so I watched my programs (only 2) WHICH TOOK FOREVER -- Stupid internet was horrible tonight. So, after it crashing again I watched the movie "Take the Lead" before nodding off for the night.
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Good night and sweet dreams from Sir Ailbe Knight |
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 9
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
Great news with his food situation. He's eating really well and we're doing up to three dog walk/runs around the track. I'll do up to 6 to 8 laps and he's so happy being out there and soaking up the sun and cooler air.
Again, after watching a couple programs it was time to hit the sack at 7 AM to get the swelling down. I had a rough night and I can't keep my eyes open at all. Ailbe and I both fell asleep till 10 AM when we got woken up for the 10 AM med rounds. Plus my pain was going thru the roof. Then I got Ailbe ready for our 1st morning track break.
After we got back in from our little jaunt it was time for lunch. I'm so sick and tired of chicken cooked in so many ways and served EVERY DAY!! .. Some times they'll skip, but then we get it for both lunch and dinner cooked in different ways. Also, how would you like slice pork w/ gravy for lunch and then a pork chop for dinner. Then fried fish for lunch and baked for dinner. Going to the dinning room lets us pick another entree, but most of its gross. Oh, don't let me tell you how their shrimp creole tastes like. It will make you gag after the first bite. Then they try to serve it several times during the week. Its funny to see trays of food left w/ that shrimp creole left untouched. You would think with the number of waste would make a change in the kitchen.
After lunch I watched a program and then Ailbe gave me the signal it was time to take a break. So, we headed out to the track where we did six laps and success on why we were out there in the first place. When I got back in I was brisked off to PT. We did some simple upper body exercises before it was time to get back to my room. After getting help from my scooter and latrine break I went back to lay down to get the swelling down in both lower limbs. I woke up in agony and got some pain meds and laid down till dinner.
Following dinner I went back to my room to feed Ailbe. He's eating more food at the moment, but also doing more exercise. At 6:15 PM we headed out for another break (3laps) before heading back to the room to get ready for BINGO. We only have it a few times a week and its load of fun.
BINGO turned out to be a lucky night for me. I managed to win three games and $9 in Retail Store coupons. I now have $30 in coupons and plan a shopping spree at the beginning of Dec for my final Christmas shopping.
After BINGO I went back to the room to watch another show before getting ready for bed. Ailbe's last outside duty call is at 10 PM. I was also ready for some pain meds which I wanted to make sure I got before the shift ended. Then Ailbe's uniform came off and with a big hug and kiss I said goodnight to him. I then shut his crate for the night. After working on my PC for awhile I turned the lights off at Midnight.
See you all tomorrow...
Monday, October 20, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 8
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South Entrance |
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
Sir Ailbe's old food is beginning to work because he didn't have a package drop when we went out early this morning. It was quite cold this morning too, but he also took his normal time to go potty. When I got back to my room I gave him his food. He gobbled up the two cups of food in his normal pace of eating. I'm glad I started him out when he was young with the divider bowl because he still eats slow today.
My blood sugar was low again this morning and so I had to drink a glass of orange juice to help bring it up. After a lousy breakfast of scrabbled eggs and a biscuit (breakfast is very skimpy) I put the tray to one side and finished my program from the night before. Then I went back to lay down due to the swelling. When I got up a couple hours later I quickly took my sink bath and got dressed. Then it was time for our morning walk/run on the track. The weather was crisp, but the sun was trying to warm me up. Again, no package drop and we kept going on the track and after each lap we tried. Again nothing from Sir Ailbe. So, back to the room to get ready for lunch at noon.
After lunch I went back to watching one show and then laying down till 2 PM meds. Got up and asked for transfer help (basically I can do it, but they have to move the wheelchair out of the way). As I was waiting I grabbed the camera to take some pictures of Sir Ailbe waiting for the Aide to come help me.
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Sir Ailbe, WAIT!! |
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Come on in.... |
After our quick break we went to Mass in the Chapel at 3 PM. There's not to many that go to the Mass. I even skip BINGO because going to Church is far more important...
After Mass I came back to my room I started a program to watch before dinner arrived a little before 5 PM. I fed Ailbe before I ate. Again, another crappy dinner.... What I would give to have some food that tasted good. After dinner I took Ailbe for another spin around the track.
After finishing my program I decided to lay on my back w/ my feet elevated (just before 8). Ailbe decided to lay down in his crate. Again, at 10 PM it was time to take him out for his final rounds. When I came back in and got him settled I watched TV for awhile and then asked for pain meds around 11:30. I was told I could have them after report. I waited and waited and waited for an hour and then buzzed. Took them another 20 min before I finally got my pain meds almost 1 hr 45 minutes after I first asked. I'm in total pain now and hopefully I can fall asleep. Yea - relief and its now 1:30 AM.... GRRRRR
So, goodnight till tomorrow....
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight"s Journey - Day 7
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6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
What a crappy night sleeping on my back. I had to keep waking up due to bladder troubles. After the 2nd time waking up I went back to my normal way of sleeping on my left side. After that I slept great.
I finally had to have pain meds at 5 AM. I then dossed off till woken at my standard time of getting up. I've been having low blood sugar levels upon waking (normal for me) which they give me a container of orange juice. Ailbe was so happy to get up for his morning outing. The weather is getting a tad cold in the mornings. I can't wait till I get my winter robe and jacket which will come when someone brings them on their visit.
This will be Ailbe's last day on his current dog formula. He did so well on Natures Recipe for over 18 months before switching to the formula I had him on when he was a pup. That formula didn't work either. So, waiting for Kate to come later today with his bag of food. She'll mix it for me with the old.
Another day of elevating my leg in bed. I'm so glad I have a quiet guy who loves to sleep. It was a challenge for him to figure out where to lay next to me in a tiny hospital bed. Well, I went to sleep till the next med time which was around 10 AM. The Staff still can't get over how quiet he is and also how he ignores their presence when they come in. Then we were off on our morning walk/run on the track.
Lunch is at Noon and was OK. I don't think I'll have a problem on loosing weight in here. They have me on a controlled Diabetic diet, but to me its loaded with to many starches. When that happens I adjust and choose what I'll eat. After lunch Ailbe wanted to play fetch with his monkey. Afterwards it was time for me to get some pain meds and then lay down to help with the swelling. When I lay on my left side there is plenty of room for the two of us. Oh, as for pain..... I'm taking them about every 8 to 9 hrs which is good. I knew Kate and James were coming so I went out for another mile walk/run on the track.
Kate and James came around 3:30 and James was excited to play Parcheesi. The Palliative Care Unit has a great family room that looks like a 1950's Diner. The three us had a great time playing, but it was getting time for my dinner and Kate had to leave. Kate mixed up Ailbe's food before leaving. I wish I had my family closer and it does get lonely here. After my hug and kisses from James I said goodbye and see you later. That "later" can be two to three more weeks. Man time is going to go by so slowly.
The weekends are long and boring with nothing to do. I'm so glad Ailbe is here to do his job, but also to keep my spirits up. Ailbe doesn't bark unless we're outside at night and someone approaches. Its great that he stays alert and lets me know what's going on.
So, my Saturday night was "trying" to finish my watching my shows. The internet in my room is rather slow and it takes a long time to watch one show because I have to keep reloading it over and over again. We went out for a break at 7 PM Ailbe usually ignores the Staff, but one of the nurses he'll wag his tail with excitement. She'll talk to him and he just lays on the bed showing off on how much he enjoys someone else talk to him besides me.
Pain and regular meds at 10 PM.... Out for our final outside break for the day. Then I got ready for bed. I went to bed at 11 PM. I will try to lay on my back for a couple hours and then return to my normal way of laying for I can get a better night sleeping.
So, I'll see you all tomorrow....
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Good night one and all.... |
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 6
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Sir Ailbe and Ladybug |
5:45 AM - Wake up (Med time)
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
Today was another lazy day of staying mostly in bed to help get the swelling down in my left foot and ankle. It always gets that way since I broke it a very long time ago. On Monday I'll get my "Ted" hose which will help reduce the swelling. Tonight I'll have to sleep on my back with higher elevation. So, I'm not looking forward to that position.
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Pillow HOG!!! |
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Sir Ailbe and Ladybug |
The weather is looking more like Fall. I'm so glad I don't have to rake a yard this year. After our half break we returned to the room where I could get ready for the dinning hall. I've got to say the food is still crappy. When I finally got back to the room I fed Ailbe and went on my PC to watch one of my programs. Ailbe then did a normal break at 7 PM. When we got back to the room it was time to play ball and throw his monkey. I'm still missing a bag with my clorox wipes, his new alligator and food tray. I'll have to wait till I get home to find them.
PT came in with my new wheelchair and chair pad. Looks pretty cool with the speckled look.
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My new set of wheels... |
After finishing up my program at 10 PM I took out Ailbe out for his last spin. When I was out his leash got stuck in the wheel, but someone was outside and helped me get out of the jam we were in. I then went back in to get ready for bed. I decided to hit the sack by 11 PM (normally I'm up till Midnight or 1 AM).
So, talk yo to tomorrow and I'll let you know how sleeping on my back went. I hope I don't have to wake up during the night. It's going to be fun trying to move all the pillows.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knights Journey - Day 5
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Paws For My Heart |
5:45 AM - Wake up
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me (He's still doesn't like eating more,but does finish it by Noon)
7:15 AM - Playtime in the room
Most of the morning I stayed in bed to keep the swelling down. There is some in the right, but my left foot and ankle are extremely swollen. I've been keeping them up in the wheelchair, but they needed to have them up higher. Ailbe got to snuggle up with me today. We also had people come in and out. Got my grabber and a handy tool to help get my pants on and off. All Ailbe did was curl up on his bed and sleep. He's amazing and I love it that he can stay so quiet. I wish he was this way at home. He just knows when it means to work. He still plays ball in the room and runs lap. He's totally occupied to keep him busy.
After one morning break I went and put my laundry into the washing machine. After another break I called into the conference with all the top medical staff which included my doctor,social worker, nurses, etc. They asked questions and discussed my care. I don't know how often they do it,..
Then it was time for lunch. The food is still terrible, but you have to eat. So, then back to the room to feed Ailbe. Then it was time for an outside break. Got back in time for PT. Did more upper body exercises. Then it was time for pain meds. I went 9 hrs between having any. Out for another break. Dang -- my scooper broke (I fixed it later with yarn and hopefully it will work again. Laid down till it was time for dinner (30 min) and then off to the dining room.
After dinner I checked my email and finished up one program. Then off to BINGO. I won winnings because I was on the right of the original winner. I have about $15 saved already.
Now I'm done with my programs and my blog for today. So, good night one and all...
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 4
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This is what the hardware looks like in my ankle... |
5:45 AM - Wake up
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me (He's still doesn't like eating more,but does finish it by Noon)
7:15 AM - Playtime in the room
7:30 - 8 AM - Nap time for me
Around 8:45 AM Ailbe was picked up by his groomer, Deanne
I went back to bed after Ailbe left. I was exhausted and went right back to sleep till I was woken up for the 10 AM meds. After that it was clean up and get ready for my day. Off to lunch at Noon. When I got back from the dining hall they said I had a Podiatry appointment. Today it's been two weeks since the surgery.
I got to have the dressing changed and the surgeon wanted to look at it. The stitches are red and he wants me on a stronger antibiotic. Otherwise he's pleased so far. He did say it was a tough surgery with loads of damage from arthritis and bone fragments. I have another appointment next week and hopefully I'll be able to get out the staples and stitches. I also hope to have the cast on...
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Side View of Ankle |
Ailbe was so glad to see me when he got back at 4 PM. He looks so handsome all cleaned up. She shaved his face and feet plus trimmed his nails. There's a little to much off above his right eye, but it will grow back soon. I think the #7 blade done two weeks ago will be OK for another four more weeks. Even if it grows out a little bit I think it will look like his normal haircut. After she left he gave me the clue of "I got to go... NOW!" .. After we got back to room it was time to eat.
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All tuckered out from my groom.... |
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Mom, I'm trying to sleep... |
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Hey.... I said I want to sleep... |
After dinner Sir Ailbe and I went back to the room till 6:30 PM when it was another potty break before the horse races. We then went to the races and I kept falling asleep, but I did win 4 Retail books ($1 each -- total of $4).
After finishing my show I was so tired that I decided to go lay down early. So, one more outing for Sir Ailbe. I went to the front desk to get some pain meds. I'm now on "as needed" .. She gave me my other meds too and off to bed I went. The nurse came back for one more med that needed to be given and I said the pain meds I requested hasn't kicked in (An hour since I asked for them). She said you didn't ask and I said ask the others at the desk and they clearly heard it. So, pain meds are kicking in and its time to drift off to sleep.
Another day is done and another to begin tomorrow....
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 3
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Hey mom -- The view from this bed is AWESOME!!! |
6 AM - Wake up
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me (He's still doesn't like eating more,but does finish it by Noon)
7:15 AM - Playtime in the room
After I got my sink bath and helped with dressing it was time to take Ailbe out for a longer walk/run. I left the room around 9:45 AM and stayed out for about 45 minutes. He loves the track and we'll take a slow walk and then speed up for run. He's found one area of the track to be his personal spot and so I'll be using that area during the day. At night I have to use an area where there's more light.
Today we started eating lunch in the dining hall. There really aren't many patients here and most do stay in the rooms. I'm tired of staying in one room plus Ailbe loves going places. We had help getting to the dinning room, but I had to push myself back to the room. Ailbe did his normal thing of laying next to me and sleeping while I ate.
After an outing outside and just getting settled in the PT lady came. I tried to push the chair, but my left arm hurts like heck. She has this weird attitude and I told her I was having issues. So, I finally got pushed to the PT room. Her attitude carried on during the therapy session. She would not listen to that my left elbow and shoulder hurt during some exercises and "no" she didn't give a hoot. Then it was over to the table to lay down to do some left leg exercises. I could not lift my left leg laying completely flat. I finally said put a bolster under my right knee and I should be able to do them. My left knee hasn't functioned right for years and the burn hurt like hell. Even the left ankle exercise didn't sit right for me. Then it was over to lift weights and she had it set at 7 lbs. My left arm could not handle it and she lowered the weights to 5 lbs. The right was OK, but the left can't handle it even with the curls. I'm now sitting here and trying to type in total pain. Why won't people listen.
After all that I decided to lay down for an hour before dinner. I just can't sit for that long. Then it was back to the dinning hall for dinner. When we got back to the room I fed Ailbe. Of course he still has a half cup sitting in it. I'll just apply it toward his breakfast.
About an hour after dinner we went to the Annual Auction put on my the American Legion. We were given $20 play money. I saw this large "Civil War" colors American Quilt which I thought I would leave only $18 to try too win it. Well, bought for $2 the game, Sorry and cute necklace. I'm given the Sorry game to some special boy and the necklace will be for my oldest granddaughter. I also won a door prize. Its a Patriotic lap spread with cotton print on the front and flannel on the back. Its a nice little lap one.
So, when I returned to my room I got his scooper and headed out the door for another break. We stayed out for a half hour and the only thing he would do was a tinkle. Back to the room for the rest of the evening. So, decided to write my blog and then get ready for bed. I just learned that I have to get my own pants off using a useless left leg that I haven't been able to move sideways for 17 years and with a lousy 60 degree flexion that I've had for years and years. She says "You have to do it at home and we're trying to make sure you can do it here" .... Well lady, at home I have to get in my bed and do some crazy stretches to even attempt it. So, I try to avoid it with a passion. Guess I'll just have to suck it up and do it and shut my mouth to even ask for help. I'll just sit in my room and enjoy Ailbe's presence. At least he doesn't talk back. I'll go out on walks inside and out all during the day to avoid being there. The day Staff are the kind ones and so far the evenings and nights are hit and misses. So, talk to you all tomorrow.....
Monday, October 13, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 2
Sir Ailbe Is A Dreamer
Today begin at a very early 5:30 AM. After meds I got Ailbe up for an outside walk. Success, but I'll have to go back in the daylight to pick up his little package. When I returned to the room we both went back to sleep till breakfast which was around 6:45 AM. Ailbe was also given his new food amount of an extra half cup (he wouldn't finish it till around lunch).
After I got cleaned up and dressed it was time to do our future morning walk/run. I left the ward around 9:30 AM (had to find his night time droppings first and that was a success). They have this cool, old walkway that looks like a track. It has a lot of curves and loads of fun to drive the scooter on. After a couple laps it was time to extend his leash (love that the leash goes from an off shoulder to an eight foot lead) and let hm do what comes naturally. Total success and then after a quick pick up we were off for another run. I run/walk four laps in one direction and then turn around and do another. He absolutely LOVES the quick pace. The eight laps are about one mile.
Then we sat on the patio and talked to a visitor who was here from Texas. Her 21 year old Marine Grandson was in a horrible vehicle accident and had just woken up from a coma. He's got a long road ahead of him for he can go home. Ailbe is such a magnet of love toward people that he just had to meet and greet. After an hour of being outside we headed back to the ward.
Then it was back to my room to watch one of my shows. Ailbe was out like a light from his morning run and it was lunch time. So far the food here is HORRIBLE!! I only eat about 4 bites of everything and then quit eating. At least the Phoenix VA did have some positive and that was their food. You could choose your menu everyday. So, a little weight loss is not going to hurt me.
After the lunch tray was taken it was time to go out for another outside break. Then back to the room for a nap. I'm woken up so early in the morning that by 1 PM you're ready for a nap. Ailbe got up and snuggled with me. I went out fast and then had to make a quick dash (a quick dash for me is getting into a wheelchair and getting into the bathroom as fast as you can - LOL). Then back to the bed and Ailbe finding his spot to cuddle. This time he did some talking and turning his head as if he was carrying on a conversation. After one and half hours Ailbe had to go out. So,buzz the nurses, get the assist from wheelchair to the scooter before getting out the door. This will be our life for the next several months. His main tasks at the moment are picking up drop items. He's nailed everyone of them and I'm so proud. His mobility tasks are on hold till I can walk on two feet. I'm hoping to add to his retrieve tasks.
The best thing that was said today was what my new evening aide had to say. They couldn't believe how quiet Ailbe was in the room. They couldn't believe a dog was even on the floor. Now that made me feel awesome.
Dinner arrived and went over to give Ailbe his new 2 cup amount. He ate all of it. As I was eating dinner Ailbe got up in bed and I told him "Leave It" which he knew meant -- NO TIDBETS!! So,he just went to sleep while I ate. Then back out for another mile run and successful potty break.
At 6:30 PM it was time to head to BINGO which tonight was sponsored by the local Lions Club. I only won $2 tonight and that was from the guy who won on my left. So far I've won $10 and its going toward something special in the Retail Store.
Then it was back out for another outside break at 8 and 11 PM. Goodnight all and I'll be chatting to you again.
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It's morning nap time... |
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Hey mom these pillows are comfy |
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I love my new bed.... |
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Do I have to get up to go out? |
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Track area where I can run/walk with mom... |
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 1
Ailbe arrived today at 3:30 PM and he was one happy boy. My daughter's had a busy time unloading the truck and all my things and his are unpacked and put away. My girls put his crate up and so he has plenty of space to sleep and chill out. He took a nap for awhile and got to test out his new bed. I would say he was very comfy.
The girls had to take off to pick up a poop scooper since the one I had didn't make it into the truck. I like the one they found and it works great. I got everything set up where I can use my wheelchair for his feeding and to lower the crate door. His water bowl was placed in the bathroom for it will be easy for me to water him.
There is plenty of space for me to let him to take potty breaks. I should have picked up a flash light at Walmart for night time use. I'll look in the retail store tomorrow. There's not enough lights outside and so its really dark in the areas I have to take him.
I got to take him out at 9:30 PM for his final pee break till morning. They lock the doors at 10 PM and I don't want to be outside and stuck where I can't get back in.
So, day one is almost done. It was a short one and tomorrow will begin at 6 AM. Goodnight from Sir Ailbe and his mom... Talk again tomorrow night...
Sir Ailbe Knight saying HI!!!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey
Join Sir Ailbe Knight on his newest adventure on being the first Service Dog to be allowed for an inpatient disabled veteran at the McGuire VA in Richmond, VA. His adventure begins on Sunday Oct 12, 2014 and will end when I can leave the hospital able to take care of myself.
Strict rules have to be followed. The Staff can assist only me and my needs. I'm responsible to Ailbe's needs. A SERVICE DOG ON DUTY sign will be hung on the door for the Staff to know the rules.
So, join us for our Daily journal on our new adventures.
Strict rules have to be followed. The Staff can assist only me and my needs. I'm responsible to Ailbe's needs. A SERVICE DOG ON DUTY sign will be hung on the door for the Staff to know the rules.
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