Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 17

5:45 AM - Wake up (Med time)
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me

My typical day of doing things on my PC, laying down to get the swelling down is the pits.  I can't believe its been close to a month since I left home.  Ailbe is having a grand time after doing a couple laps I'll say "Hold leash" and he grabs it and runs/walks the rest of his laps holding it in his mouth.  He's great on picking up my metal grabber.  He does it an angle and drags it to me.  What a character he his.

I love the way they rearranged my room for I can get onto my scooter and not ask for help moving it.  Ailbe has more room to play ball and has a chance to be just a normal dog a few times a day.   His attitude is work comes first and play is a close second.

I also had KT today and got thru my short upper body strength exercises.  I have a couple bands that lets me do them in my room.  When they were done it was nap time.

After my nap was over it was time to go out for our afternoon walk/run around the track.  The leaves are almost gone and so that means winter will be here soon.  The weather is sunny and warm today.  Its suppose to be cooler tonight and tomorrow a little cooler.  We have to remember to set the clocks back Saturday night.  That means our 6:30 PM run will be in the dark.

After dinner Ailbe got his and man he's not picking on eating. I took Ailbe out at 6:30 PM before heading back to my room.  I finally got to finish a couple shows before it was time to watch The Voice on TV.  Yes I said the word TV.......  Ailbe got up in the bed and snuggled with me.  After the show it was time to take Ailbe out for his final call....

When I got back to the room Ailbe went into his crate for the night.  So, that mean... Day is Done... Gone is the Sun...

See you again tomorrow.

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