Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sir Ailbe Knight"s Journey - Day 7

5:45 AM - Wake up (Med time)
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me

What a crappy night sleeping on my back.  I had to keep waking up due to bladder troubles.  After the 2nd time waking up I went back to my normal way of sleeping on my left side.  After that I slept great.

I finally had to have pain meds at 5 AM.  I then dossed off till woken at my standard time of getting up.   I've been having low blood sugar levels upon waking (normal for me) which they give me a container of orange juice.   Ailbe was so happy to get up for his morning outing.  The weather is getting a tad cold in the mornings.  I can't wait till I get my winter robe and jacket which will come when someone brings them on their visit.

This will be Ailbe's last day on his current dog formula.  He did so well on Natures Recipe for over 18 months before switching to the formula I had him on when he was a pup.  That formula didn't work either.  So, waiting for Kate to come later today with his bag of food.  She'll mix it for me with the old.

Another day of elevating my leg in bed.  I'm so glad I have a quiet guy who loves to sleep.  It was a challenge for him to figure out where to lay next to me in a tiny hospital bed.  Well, I went to sleep till the next med time which was around 10 AM. The Staff still can't get over how quiet he is and also how he ignores their presence when they come in.  Then we were off on our morning walk/run on the track.

Lunch is at Noon and was OK.  I don't think I'll have a problem on loosing weight in here.  They have me on a controlled Diabetic diet, but to me its loaded with to many starches.  When that happens I adjust and choose what I'll eat. After lunch Ailbe wanted to play fetch with his monkey.  Afterwards it was time for me to get some pain meds and then lay down to help with the swelling.  When I lay on my left side there is plenty of room for the two of us.  Oh, as for pain..... I'm taking them about every 8 to 9 hrs which is good.  I knew Kate and James were coming so I went out for another mile walk/run on the track.

Kate and James came around 3:30 and James was excited to play Parcheesi.  The Palliative Care Unit has a great family room that looks like a 1950's Diner.  The three us had a great time playing, but it was getting time for my dinner and Kate had to leave.  Kate mixed up Ailbe's food before leaving.  I wish I had my family closer and it does get lonely here.  After my hug and kisses from James I said goodbye and see you later.  That "later" can be two to three more weeks.  Man time is going to go by so slowly.

The weekends are long and boring with nothing to do.  I'm so glad Ailbe is here to do his job, but also to keep my spirits up.  Ailbe doesn't bark unless we're outside at night and someone approaches.  Its great that he stays alert and lets me know what's going on.

So, my Saturday night was "trying" to finish my watching my shows.  The internet in my room is rather slow and it takes a long time to watch one show because I have to keep reloading it over and over again.  We went out for a break at 7 PM  Ailbe usually ignores the Staff, but one of the nurses he'll wag his tail with excitement.  She'll talk to him and he just lays on the bed showing off on how much he enjoys someone else talk to him besides me.

Pain and regular meds at 10 PM.... Out for our final outside break for the day.  Then I got ready for bed.  I went to bed at 11 PM. I will try to lay on my back for a couple hours and then return to my normal way of laying for I can get a better night sleeping.

So, I'll see you all tomorrow....

Good night one and all....

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