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6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me
I'm so glad that the food change is still working. So, hopefully in a few more weeks of eating more and a good exercise routine I'll see some weight gain going on. He's so happy to be here with me. He's quiet as a "dog" mouse (aka door - lol) and its so surprising to me that he's stepping up to the plate to help me all the time. He continues to do his job with no complaints. He's only had his feet lightly touched by the wheelchair and scooter and he never and I mean never yelps. Sir Ailbe just goes with the flow.
After my normal routine of program watching and taking a basin bath it was time to take Ailbe out. Man it was a whole lot cooler then it was at 6 AM. It was also drizzling out and I was afraid of my scooter being ruined. So, I did one lap and after he was done with his business I headed back in. Nothing to do except to finish a show before lunch. Lunch wasn't to bad today. The grilled chicken breast & wing section was very tasty. Also, there was a SW salad which I really enjoyed. After a "happy" lunch I went back and couldn't keep my eyes open at all. So, Ailbe decided to sleep in his crate and was totally stretched out enjoying his new bed. So, I got all comfy with my legs to get the swelling out (that left foot and ankle is driving me crazy). The right one seems to have less because the soft cast is very loose at the moment and its also helping with the pain levels. I can go 10 hrs between meds now. I woke up around 4 PM for meds and I thought I better get Ailbe out before dinner. So, out we went for a six lap walk/run and piddle stop. I got back in time to get to the dinning room for another lousy dinner. I wish I could have a really good home cooked meal. Got back to my room and fed Ailbe. Ailbe is getting back to the "I got to go" look and so out we went for another spin of two laps which resulted a package for the trash can. I got back to the room and was waiting to go too BINGO again.
My nurse said it was a Halloween themed BINGO night. So, I got my new Halloween blouse out and put it on. It fits pretty good too and I love it. BINGO was a lot of fun as usual. Poor Ailbe got stepped on which he never yelped. Someone fixed his blanket and he laid right down. I won one BINGO and got a dollar pack from the winner on the left (some of the games will give a dollar package to the right of the winner). They also had barbeque beef sandwiches. It was so good and I'm glad I didn't eat much at dinner. They gave out candy bags and roasted peanuts in their shells. Also, they gave us a raffle ticket which was for the door prizes. I won a door prize (the picture above is my loot I took back to my room) which I've seen to be lucky in the last two events. After a great evening it was time to go back to my room.
I then watched a couple programs with difficulties and decided to go too bed after Ailbe's final outing at 10 PM. I think I fell asleep a little after 11 PM after the pain meds kicked in.
Good night one and all ... See you tomorrow....
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