Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Grooming Basics 101

The one thing being is a poodle is that I have to get haircuts at least every six weeks.  When my mommy got home she had to groom me.  She got a pole with a neck entrapment that attaches to her utility table. Mommy gave me a bath in the tub since I've outgrown the kitchen sink.  After my hair was dry my buddy Susan came over to help.. Well, it was a total disaster for both of them.  I wouldn't cooperate.  I just wanted to snap at everyone.  So, my mom called Petsmart to see if she could get me in.

Getting my hair done at a doggy salon..

At Petsmart I was a true angel.  They did my face, feet, nails, cleaned my teeth and plucked the hair out of my ears.  My mom noticed that my feet and face weren't shaved too close.  So, I'm guessing she's going to have to tackle another groom session in a couple weeks.

I'm a handsome poodle...

My new sweater for being good at the salon

My mom was right about needing another groom session.  This time I was an angel for her.  I did try to nip, but she corrected me.  She got my face and feet done (feet are still a little tad hairy) before she decided to take off my long baby hair.  My mommy has troubles holding on to brush me everyday and she decided that a shorter hairdo would be better.  So, out came these combs and in an hour my mom was done.  I don't think she did a good job.  It looked like I had a bad hair day.  I'm guessing my mom is going to make mistakes till she figures it out.

Mom begins to clip me on her own...

My OK hairdo

Well, my mom decided to even out the cut she did for it wouldn't look so messy.  My buddy Susan came over to help too.  My mom got my face and neck area shaved... She tried to do my feet and with her lousy vision she did the best she could do.  She was telling Susan that maybe every six weeks I'll have someone else do the feet and nails.  Since my coat looks more even then last week my mommy says she'll let it grow out for the next six weeks.  My sissy had mommy's camera and so she didn't take a picture.  She told me she'll add it latter.  My mommy and Susan called me "Lamb Chops" because I looked like a cute baby lamb..

My mommy will get better with each grooming session.  She makes me listen while I'm on the table...
I love my mommy and I'm one handsome poodle puppy...

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