Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 24, 25, 26, 27


5:45 AM - Wake up (Med time)
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me

I got to remember to do my blog.  I hate trying to play catch up.  I might do this four day thing again if I fall behind again.  So, I'll try to break it down to short highlights for the days I skipped.  Most of my blog will seem boring at times because I'm doing the same thing over and over again.  I also sometimes forget to grab my camera and so I don't do many photos either.  I think if anyone who had to stay in a hospital setting as long as Ailbe and I are doing you'll scramble your brain to find some interesting things to write about.

TUESDAY (Nov 4, 2014):  My day was spent doing the same as the rest of my journal writings.  YES its getting boring in here and thank heavens for Ailbe helping me.  Ailbe has become a more serious worker then I could ever imagine.  A year ago I would have never thought he would be my service dog due to his crazy manners.  Nothing major to report on today's activities.

WEDNESDAY (Nov 5, 2014):  Another LONG day in Rehab.  Spent a lot of time in bed trying to keep the swelling down in both legs.  I did the same thing as usual... sleep, watch my shows and take Ailbe out for walks/runs.  Ailbe loves being here ....  I won $8 playing BINGO tonight and I'm getting closer and closer to getting my Dutch Oven for outdoor cooking.

THURSDAY (Nov 6, 2014):  It was awesome to see Kate today.  She did my shopping and brought in my snack food for night.  I'm still waking up with low glucose levels.  She also picked up a new stuffed animal for Ailbe to play with.  Ailbe thought it was super cool.  I also got my new Girl Scout Hoodie for the "Green Hat Society".  It's a lovely shade of hunter green.  I'm hoping that I can find a hat in that color too.  I also had her pick up the movie, "Maleficent" which I only watched half of it before drifting off to sleep.

FRIDAY (Nov 7, 2014):  After breakfast I finished watching "Maleficent".  I loved the movie when I saw it in the theaters.  I love the way Disney Studios did a different spin on the character.  After my movie I took Ailbe into my bathroom and gave him a sponge bath.  It took me awhile from a wheelchair to get him clean, but I did it.  Kate will be coming in the next two weeks to where I'll be able to take Ailbe to a doggie wash place near the hospital.  She'll be able to wash him while I can help blow dry and groom him.  Hopefully it won't take long to do it.  I plan on the first week of Dec for him to get a full groom.  December will be a bad month for Kate to help out with taking him to the dog wash.  I will have to do sponge baths and room grooms till January.  I hope to be home by the 1st of the year.  I hope I can drive with a cam boot.  When I had my ankle brace a few years back I did learn how to drive with that clumsy thing on.  I just have to remember that this ankle surgery and recovery is a year long process.  The doc is going to look over x-rays of my left and determine if that needs to be fused.  An ankle fusion is common following a severe ankle fracture.  I know my ankle is off balanced more then ever since I'm using it more.  We had BINGO tonight and I only won $1.

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