Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sir Ailbe Knight's Journey - Day 29

5:45 AM - Wake up (Med time)
6:15 AM - Out for a walk/run for my morning break
6:45 AM - Breakfast for mom and me

Another week has begun and Ailbe has been with me for a month.  He's really turned out to be an awesome service dog.  I really miss Shadow and no one could ever replace him, but Ailbe has opened my broken heart.  He does things differently and his favorite task is picking up dropped items.  He gets so excited with he gives me the items off the floor.

I just watched some shows this morning before lunch.  Weekends here are a drag and it seems like the days will never end.  After lunch I laid down for an  hour before getting ready for Mass.  The priest here has such a great sense of humor.  His sermons are awesome.  Today we had this wonderful group of ladies playing the flute.  They were doing their rehearsals for Veterans Day.  They played a couple songs during our Mass.  Father also used bubbles to show how God works for all of us.  Man, I never knew bubbles could be so wonderful to look at.

After Mass Ailbe went out before we had our dinner at 4:45 PM.  After dinner I fed Ailbe.  He's beginning to put on weight.  After playing some ball in the room it was time to go out for a walk/run.  We walked the track for a half hour.

After we came back in I decided to watch a movie.  All of sudden I was tired and it was a last call outside for Ailbe... So, goodnight till we meet again...

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